Monday, April 29, 2013

College and I think to much…..

Thing 1 started his last 6 weeks of elementary school this past week.  What does that mean?  Only 7 more years until my baby graduates high school!  Tear….

Of course now that has me worried.  College!!  Gasp!  How am I going to pay for college?  Not only for him but for Thing 2 who will graduate a year after!  Of course Thing 1 having his “pick your instrument” day for band today after school hasn’t helped in stopping this momma’s brain from racing.

Like Reese Withersppon said in an interview (and I’m paraphrasing badly) her brain was like the news scroll on CNN going across her brain thinking about where all her kids were, well that’s my brain too.  Except it goes through “What time will it be when I pick up Thing 1 & 2?, Did I get a snack to give Thing 1? How much money is left in my account today?  Do I have enough to pick up socks, give Thing 1 money for school projects, etc? how am I going to pay for band instruments? When is camp money due? Who needs their medication refilled? (that reminds me I have to pick up medication for Thing 2)”

Doctor appointments, medication, laundry, homework, house cleaning etc….seriously a mom’s work is never done.

As for college, yea I am worried about it.  I don’t want my kids to quit bc of money like I did.  I want more for them.  Sure Thing 1 & 2 have a tiny trust fund for college from their other grandmother but as Bio-Dad (I cant think of a better term for my ex-husband than that) hasn’t helped out much before I honestly don’t see this being a viable option for them.  If this means living with my parents until….well who knows how long.

Graduating college before my kids graduated high school has always been my goal but I honestly don’t see that happening…ever….

Sigh….oh well…

It’s nice to have dreams…..


The Single Mom